11 Ways That Dogs Keep Your Body Healthier And More Fit Into Old Age

It’s common knowledge that having a canine companion will make you happier…but did you know that it can also make you healthier? According to a recent scientific study, dog owners roughly the age of 79 had the bodies of those who were a decade younger. What’s that mean? That when you own a dog, you can shave years off your age and add them to your lifespan.

Here are some of the reasons why:

1. Dogs encourage personal activity.

No matter what the condition of the weather (or the condition of your attitude) is, you have to take your dog for a walk so that he or she can do their business. No ifs ands ors or buts about it.

2. Once you’re motivated, you’re more likely to continue on that kick.

Once you fall into a routine, you’re more likely to stick with it, and maybe even get more ambitious with it, perhaps adding in a weight class or turning those walks into jogs.

3. Pups tend to dawdle.

When a pooch is looking for the perfect place to do his business, he’s not consciously taking forever to keep your heart rate up, but that’s definitely the outcome.

4. Pups love to run.

…So if you’re healthy enough to join in, why wouldn’t you? It looks like so much fun!

5. Dogs encourage you to be outside.

You can’t keep your pup locked up in the TV room all day, and you can’t send him to the lake alone…do you see where I’m going with this?

6. Canines love to play games.

Even if you’re not able to go on long runs, a simple game of fetch or frisbee can do you good. A couple steps to pick up a ball a dozen times a day can really add up!

7. Chances are, you’ll get a good laugh out of your pup at least once a day.

How’s that good for your heath, you ask? Laughter can aid blood flow, boost your immune system, moderate blood sugar levels, and also help you catch a good night’s sleep. Basically, everything that is opposite of stress and worrying, which will deteriorate your body.

8. Your dog will keep you company.

There’s no way you can feel lonely when you have a guaranteed happy-to-see-you face greeting you at the end of each day.

9. Dogs encourage water cooler chitchat.

Or in this case, water fountain chitchat. I’ve seen it happen a million times: one dog says hello to another dog, and their humans are forced to engage in conversation, too. Even the most awkward people understand that this is how the dog park works. How does this help your health? Having friends in your life boosts your morale!

10. Your pooch depends on you for her health.

When you’re in charge of the diet and exercise of another being, like Fluffy here, it makes you more conscious of your own lifestyle choices.

11. Dogs are all-around good workout companions!

As long as you make sure your pup can keep up with you, and that you aren’t pushing him too hard, your dog is happy to spend all the time in the world with you!

(via Bark Post)

If you’ve never noticed these with your pup before, maybe now that you have them under your belt, you’ll be more aware of the health benefits your fur baby brings to your life!

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